Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 5: Clear

Flash storage is the new "hot" way to save your important data, and with good reason. Flash is much faster, smaller, less noisy (noiseless actually), uses less energy, and thus, is far supperior to the tradional disk storage on all fronts. If you think you haven't used flash, think again. You touch a device with flash storage at least once a day (if not consistently throughout the whole day). Items using flash include PDAs, laptops, iPod, digital cameras, mobile phones and video game hardware. This software is so dynamic that you can have up to 128GBs of information stored on a single portable USB Flash Drive!! That's more than double the memory a lot of people even have on their home computers. Flash is becoming more and more ingrained in our lives, and we should embrace this technology with open arms... Very wide, open arms.


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